Our Story

It was a typical day in our house. Our then six-year-old daughter emerged from the bathroom, already frustrated, yelling for help. As usual, her wet hair was soaking through her PJ’s, giving her that cold, damp feeling that so many of us know and dread. I stopped everything I was doing to tend to her hair. This happened many times in the past and so I knew my options. I would either have to blow dry it, drape a towel on her shoulders and adjust it every time it fell, twist her hair in a towel and follow her around holding it up or just tie it up in wet bun which led to a tangled wet mess. But then I had a thought; what if I could create something that completely eliminated this problem?

I started playing around with some ideas. I wanted a towel that would somehow stay under her hair and on her back but that would not soak through to her shirt. We also would need something that would allow her to have the freedom to read, play or eat all while allowing her hair to naturally air-dry! I grabbed a stapler and some material and put together our first "prototype." My husband then purchased a sewing machine and with the help of youtube and my mother, I learned how to sew a more wearable version (without staples)! Soon after creating this new towel, our daughter would start asking for “the invention” after every shower or bath. That's when we knew we couldn’t keep the idea to ourselves but needed to share it in case there were others like us dealing with this wet-hair-wet-shirt saga! So we got to work, researched quality materials and manufacturers in the U.S.A. who could make this idea into a reality. We then took the plunge and brought it to market and the response and feedback was overwhelming. We couldn't believe how many people dealt with this same exact issue and we are so happy we took the plunge to bring brought “Towel Back” to other households.

Throughout every step of the process of creation, I have thought of my own daughter. I have taken the time to make sure that Towel Back is comfortable, cute, and effective! As you welcome our product into your own hair care routine, I am happy to say that it is kid-tested and kid-approved in our very own house!

Our Story